Monday, September 10, 2007

Stump Farm 12 Hour

Team Vesrah Brakes at Stump Farm 12 Hour
Team Vesrah Brakes Pit

Stump Farm 12 Hour - Green Bay, WI
Race Report

Team Vesrah Brakes at Stump Farm 12 Hour

Team Vesrah Brakes hoped to roll into the Green Bay area early Friday to ensure plenty of rest for their 6th and final race of the year. This race held some extra importance adding self inflicted pressure for a win. Team Vesrah has won every race entered this year and could be a perfect season if they were to win at the Stump Farm 12 hour. The Labor Day holiday traffic did not make the early arrival possible. Team Vesrah did however arrive the race venue late Friday night to take a night sighting lap. The course was split between sandy singletrack lined with stumps that winded through the woods, and double track cross country ski trails.

Ken Melville once again started the race for Team Vesrah Brakes. Ken was holding the overall and open team lead for the first lap keeping his head down and pushing hard. With his head down Ken missed a turn late in his lap and lost the overall lead. Even with this miscue Ken was able to catch and follow the overall leaders by the end of the lap. Mike Laney tagged up and went out next. Mike rode with the overall leaders for his lap keeping Vesrah in contention for the overall win. With a tag Mike Peet was off on his lap. Mike Peet rode hard and held Team Vesrahs position. Another tag put Mark McCrimmon on coarse. Mark was able to put down the teams fastest lap and replace Vesrah as the over all leader at this point. With another round of laps by each member Team Vesrah Brakes held an advantage over the second place team Sandbaggers of thirty-one minutes at approx. the halfway point. During the next six hours Team Vesrah Brakes seemed to let up a bit and the Sandbaggers took advantage and started to make up some ground. With time winding down and only one lap left to fit into the twelve hour clock Team Vesrah Brakes still held a comfortable sixteen minute lead. Mark McCrimmon last to ride finished up the race seventeen minutes ahead of team Sandbaggers. This win hands Team Vesrah Brakes their perfect season and the Open Team WEMS Series Championship.

Team Vesrah Brakes goes six for six this year. Five wins in the WEMS Series and a win at the 24-9 mile National Championships 35+ category.

Team Vesrah Brakes Completed 16 laps in 11 hours 39 minutes, logging 150 miles, averaging approx 13 mph.

Team Vesrah Brakes would like to thank:
Mark Junge - Vesrah Suzuki - Vesrah Brakes
Joel Richardson - Hayes Disc Brakes, and Sun Ringle’
Russel Jubbs - For Building Great Sun Ringle’ Wheelsets for Team Vesrah
Ben - Racine Cyclery
Kenda - Rider Support Program Improving Business Communication

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